Kristen Zaza is a writer, composer, and performer based in Toronto, Canada. She is currently producing the second season of her award-winning audio drama podcast, On a Dark, Cold Night.

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S02E04 - What Price Gloria?

S02E04 - What Price Gloria?

Sam leaps into 1961, and experiences life as a woman for the first time. Al can’t hide his attraction to this new Sam. They both have to keep Sam’s roommate from doing something desperate for the love of a married man. Leete thinks Kristen’s jokes are very funny.

(CW: Discussion of a scene with attempted suicide.)

Listen to Oh Boy! It's Kristen and Leete on RadioPublic
S02E05 - Blind Faith

S02E05 - Blind Faith

S02E03 - The Americanization of Machiko

S02E03 - The Americanization of Machiko